We are the first generation to know we’re destroying the world, and we could be the last that can do anything about it. Speaking up is one of the most powerful things you can do especially if it’s to the right people.
We’ve been promised a better world – but our leaders are not on track to deliver. We need decisive action now. We’ll use your support to hold the UK Government to account on its promises. Your voice is powerful. Together, we can show we need urgent action on climate and natur
It’s not just about speaking to the people in charge. Talk to your friends, neighbours and colleagues and get them to make positive changes too. Speak up, speak to everyone, and make your voice heard.e.
Staying informed is the key to making an impact on our world. With so much at your fingertips, you have access to knowledge and wisdom from inspiring people who are fighting for a better future - why not use that as a basis of conversation with those around you? Take some time every day or week to stay in tune with what's happening in nature; submerse yourself into news stories and discover organisations dedicated these causes too! It won't take long before this new level of understanding helps shape conversations and guidance within your family circle - even if it just starts off one small topic at a time.
Political power is in your hands! UK citizens 18 and over have a chance to shape their future by voting for an MP that represents their values. However, there are many ways we can engage with our politicians beyond the ballot box. Young Brits from all backgrounds continue to join forces across the country demanding real change on key issues like climate action – and you don't even need any special authority or permission make yourself heard! Show up at local community meetings where MPs gather to discuss matters of importance; write emails voicing your opinion directly - it’s never been easier than now take control of our political dynamics today
Travel with a conscience this summer! Whether it’s walking, cycling or even carpooling - there are plenty of ways to make sure every journey has less impact on the environment. Make your break as eco-friendly as possible by cutting down how often you take planes; one short return flight can create an entire tenth of your yearly carbon footprint and long-haul flights have an even bigger effect. Be smart about holidaying closer to home for a sustainable vacation that doesn't cost the Earth.
Exploring a new destination can be an exciting, but it's also important to consider how you're travelling and the impact that has. Trains are great for reducing your carbon footprint when seeing Europe - Why not get creative with exploring alternate ways? Just as no two trips should be the same, don't forget about being ethical in interacting with wildlife too! From supporting conservation projects or simply observing animals from afar in their natural environment: by making sustainable choices we all play our part towards preserving nature on this planet of ours.
As we eat more and more animal-based products, our diets have a devastating environmental impact. The world is losing its biodiversity at an alarming rate due to the impacts of agricultural land expansion for meat production - not only are forests destroyed in order to grow crops such as soybeans which animals feed on, but producing these meats releases significantly higher levels of carbon dioxide than vegetables or legumes do. Therefore, it's clear that what we choose to put on our plates has far-reaching consequences: food production isn't just about feeding ourselves; it also means saving wildlife from extinction.
Transitioning to a plant-based diet is not only an environmentally friendly choice, but it can also benefit your wallet! Restaurants and retailers are making more vegetarian and vegan options available than ever before - so you won't be stuck for variety. Say goodbye to meat-based meals and hello to delicious yet affordable dishes that leave a lighter footprint on the planet.
We need to make wasting our resources unacceptable in all aspects of our life. Every product we buy has an environmental footprint and could end up in landfill. The impact of plastic pollution on our oceans is becoming increasingly clear, having drastic impacts on marine life.
Recycling what we can reduces the amount of new materials we are making, and upcycling is a creative way to make old items into something more valuable. This could be reusing a jam jar as a candle holder, or using old tins as plant pots – the possibilities are endless!
With over a third of all food produced in the world going to waste, there's never been an easier way to make your mark! Put those leftover ingredients and meals into action – mix them together for interesting flavor combinations or give others who are less fortunate access to that excess. Not only should you strive not to waste any food, but use organic scraps as compost — reducing global impact one meal at a time.
We have the power to shape our planet for better or worse with every purchase we make. To improve both our finances and environmental footprint, let's all put some conscious effort into what products we buy - sticking to eco-friendly alternatives when available helps encourage companies towards sustainable practices while saving us money and reducing waste in the process! By making mindful decisions about where and how you spend your money, you can show support for those striving towards a more positive future.
From individuals to organizations and foundations, WWF couldn't do what we do without our amazing supporters standing beside us. Together, with generous donations from around the world, we can restore nature by tackling the most pressing issues – food system reform and climate change mitigation efforts among them. Show your support today! Join Team Panda on an adventure of a lifetime; adopt one of many precious wildlife animals in need or set up a Facebook birthday fundraiser for family & friends - every amount helps create positive environmental impact!
Volunteering can be daunting, and expensive if you don’t know where to look. But it doesn’t need to be this hard to do good.
Often local nature reserves or parks are looking for regular volunteers, which can give you practical conservation experience as well as helping to restore nature your local area.